Dobar dan naši najdraži čitatelji!
Da, sunce je prestalo da nam tera inat, napokon. S njim nam je stigao prelepi vikend i zato smo, kao što smo spomenule u nekom od prethodnih postova, odlučile da se prošetamo Kalemegdanom sa dragom drugaricom. Stvarno mu odajem priznanje za najlepše mesto u Beogradu, a i sam Beograd je poznat po njemu. Pored divnih zelenih površina isprekidanih uskim stazicama za romantične šetnje i tezgama sa šećernim vunama, sladoledima, starim nakitom i zašećerenim jabukama, sa ivice tvrđave se pruža najlepši pogled na naš glavni grad, Ratno ostrvo i ušće Save i Dunava. Pod ranoprolećnim suncem, grad je stvarno širio neverovatnu atmosferu, koja zrači i kroz slike koje smo uhvatile usput.
Opet sam se odlučila za crveni kaput, ali ovaj put uz neku malo manje elegantnu a mali više retro kombinaciju: bandan oko glave, teksas košulja i farmerke uklopljene sa čizmicama i torbicom od smeđe kože. Jedino torba nije bila prisutna u prethodnim postovima, i jedna mi je od omiljenih detalja jer je vrlo zgodne veličine i boje, i ima predivan romatični detalj sa motivima cveća.
B je, naprotiv, izabrala urbaniju varijantu koja sadrži crnu kožnu jaknicu, crne Ugg čizmice i bez džemper, a od nakita se opedelila za zlatnu ogrlicu sa apstraktnim detaljima. Takođe treba istaći da je njena opsesija Fashion Week - ovima i dalje u toku tako da se našminkala u Mark Jacobs fazonu.
Dolazi nam proleće a i s njim još više slobodnog vremena, tako da možemo obećati češće postove i vedrije, osunčanije slike!
Šaljemo vam puno ljubavi,
Hello to our favorite readers!
Yup, sun just got out from the clouds for a moment or two and brought a wonderful weekend with it so we decided to take a walk through Kalemegdan fortress with our dear friend. Belgrade it famous for it and it could even be the most beautiful place in the city. While walking through the park you can enjoy in wonderful atmosphere of the happy people with children, street sellers who sell snacks and handmade jewelry and in the same time look at the breathtaking view in which Sava and Danube flow together and make confluence that is a trademark of our lovely city. We had a wonderful time but pictures can show you just a bit of the lively atmosphere that we could feel.
I wore red coat, again, but this time in a retro manner: combined with bandana, texas shirt and beige booties and bag. Bag is the only thing you didn't see in previous posts and it is one of my favorite accessories because color and shape fit me and my closet and it has that romantic flower details.
B on the other hand chose a bit more urban outfit which means black leather jacket, black ugg boots and beige sweater. When it comes to jewels she put on a golden necklace with some abstract details. Since all the Fashion Weeks finished like yesterday, she put on some Mark Jacobs inspired make up.
Spring is coming and all the time of the world with it, so we'll organize more photo shoots and posts for you!
Sendin' love,
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