Saturday, May 4, 2013

The great comeback

Okay, so it's been a long, long time since we updated our blog the last time and that's so not good. But, there is a valid excuse: we made a complete makeover of the blog design! What do you think about it? We didn't want to post anything until we change the design and changing design took too much time (more than a month apparently) so we didn't post for like ages.
I was thinking about this comeback post and concluded that it should be with photos from Instagram mainly because many things changed in our lives so it would be the perfect way for you to catch up with all of them. Of course, this post wont be that interesting for those who follow us on Instagram but don't worry, we have a vast of other posts prepared that are just waiting to be published. 
So, we hope you will enjoy and stay tuned for more.
xoxo B&L
p.s. Get ready for LOTS of pics :)
 Pošto je prošlo jako dugo otkad smo se poslednji put videli, odlučile smo da vam se izvinimo tako što smo malo izmenile izgled bloga. Kako vam se čini? Još odavno smo htele da promenimo dizajn, a budući da nam je više od mesec dana trebalo da to ostvarimo, nismo dugo postavljale jer smo želele da prvo uradimo to, pa sve ostalo što sledi.
  Razmišljale smo o tome kakav bi trebalo da nam bude ovaj takozvani ,,comeback" post i zaključile smo da bi idealno bilo da postavimo slike sa Instagrama, jer nam se puno toga dešava trenutno i to je dobar način da budete u toku. Ovo verovatno neće biti interesantno onima koji nas već prate na Instagramu ali za vas imamo još postova u rezervi koji samo čekaju da ih podelimo sa vama.
Uživajte i vidimo se uskoro!
p.s. Sledi dosta, DOSTA slika :)

Lena's Instagram: thelenastark

Becky's Instagram: beckytdf



  1. Replies
    1. Becky we tried to write you a comment but when you are on top everybody wants to take you down! That is just reminder how successful you became!
