Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rocking the February

Hello lovelies! 
Okay, it's been ages since the last post and that's not good. We are so very sorry! My life is a total mess atm, no wonder I don't manage to blog regularly. I had a flu for past week and a half so I was in bed all the time, with the temperature and a terrible cold. I missed a lot in school and I'm trying to keep up with all new things we are learning. I've never been good in organizing my time and I should really change that. 

But, there's one thing I can't wait for- New York fashion week. There are always the best models and creators and it's my favorite fashion week together with Paris Haute Couture week. So, I will try to post every day during the NYFW so you could keep up with all of the stuff going on there. I just love to make myself a cup of tea, sit in the bunch of pillows and watch all the best fashion shows for the day, although watching them live in NYC would be even more wonderful. 

So, we took these pics like two weeks ago or something when we went in Latte Art caffe. It is one of my favorite caffes because it is my neighborhood so it's practically my second home. It is very casual and that's why I've chosen this mint sweater that falls off my shoulder and slim black pants. Lena wore something casual too, but in a different way- she wore a sweater too but that scarf gave her outfit a dose of boho look.

Hope I'll post something new again tomorrow, but that's not really sure. 
Have a nice rest of the week and enjoy!
xoxo Becky

Pozdrav svima!
Kao da je prošlo milion godina otkad smo objavile poslednji post, i to uopšte ne sluti na dobro. Strašno nam je žao. Moj život je poprilično zbrkan trenutno, tako da nije neko iznenađenje da ne postavljamo redovno na blog. Provela sam skoro dve nedelje u krevetu bolujući od nekog gripa i suočavajući se sa dosadnom temperaturom i stalnom pospanošću. Dosta sam izostala iz škole i sada se treba snaći i pohvatati svo gradivo koje sam propustila, što mi verovatno neće uspeti jer se nikad nisam snalazila sa vremenom, i to je samo jedna od stvari koje treba da promenim.

Pored toga, jedna stvar koju sa nestrpljenjem iščekujem je Fashion Week u Njujorku! Pored Paris Haute Couture-a to mi je omiljena nedelja mode zbog najboljih modela i kreatora. Zato ću pokušati da se organizujem i da postavljam svaki dan tokom te nedelje tako da možete da ispratite šta se dešava. Obožavam kada napravim sebi šolju čaja, uvalim se medju mekane jastuke i gledam najbolje revije od tog dana. Volela bih da mogu da ih gledam uživo, jer bi tek onda iskustvo bilo nezaboravno.

Dakle, ovo su slike od pre otprilike dve nedelje kada smo otišle u Latte Art kafić. To je jedan od mojih omiljenih jer mi se nalazi praktično ispred zgrade i skoro mi je kao drugi dom jer tu provodim dosta vremena. Obukla sam se ležerno jer je i atmosfera tamo prilično komotna - izabrala sam mint džemper koji mi spada sa ramena i uske crne pantalone. Lena je nosila slične komade, ali na potpuno drugačiji način - nosila je bež džemper i farmerke ali ga je uklopila sa plavom ešarpom i puno nakita što joj je dalo neki boemski izgled.

Nadam se da ću naći vremena da postavim nešto i sutra, ali ne držite me za reč.
xoxo Becky

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